Discharge & Transition Services
Helping Boys Transition to a Post-Windwood Life Well
Our Discharge and Transition Services team works to increase the positive prognosis of the child’s return to a community living arrangement. From the time a child arrives at Windwood, this team takes the lead in developing discharge plans and in coordinating the transition services for our clients. They focus their efforts on working with the family to ensure the child will continue to receive appropriate educational, medical, and mental health services post discharge.
When a child is discharged to a new family, transition staff is instrumental in providing the child with a realistic view of what life as a member of a different family will entail and in helping them to adjust to the behavioral expectations a family may enforce. The child’s therapist works with them to resolve any conflicts they might have about not returning to their family of origin.
The staff works together with each child to prepare them for everyday life experiences in their home, in the school setting, and the social and peer pressures they may experience.
We remain the therapeutic arm of the child’s care for 90-120 days post discharge from our residential programs. We offer the family support in defusing crises, we assist the family in navigating the educational and mental health services system and we work to ensure the child has access to all services he needs for a successful reintegration.