Sibling Visitation

Sibling Visitation Program

Our programming is intentionally designed to celebrate and strengthen sibling relationships. Through signature events and regular camp activities, we provide separated siblings with meaningful opportunities to deepen their bonds and connect with a community of youth in foster care. Signature events focus on celebrating significant life events siblings have missed together and creating keepsakes to remember their shared experiences. 

Sibling relationships are a powerful and critical part of family life—not only during childhood but throughout a lifetime. To support these connections, sibling visitations will occur on two Saturdays each month. Windwood will provide transportation, meals, and snacks for these visits.

On campus, siblings will have the opportunity to spend quality time together engaging in group activities and everyday moments, such as bike riding, nature walks, athletic games, shared meals, and watching movies. Children will be encouraged to choose activities they both enjoy, such as playing board games, cooking recipes together, or creating art. These creative activities foster self-expression, while outdoor play and exercise release oxytocin, promoting well-being.

Research shows that youth build social emotional skills and thrive when they are in a safe and supportive environment. During sibling visitation, we will strive to cultivate social emotional skills through the activities offered by providing guidance, support, and direct honest feedback. Staff will establish ground rules for activities. They will organize consistent routines and procedures to provide structured and predictable experiences. 

To get started or ask a question, contact:

Alexis Dejarnette, MSW
Permanency Coordinator

Sibling Visitation Program Form

Click to fill out before you go

Sibling Visitation Program Details

2 Saturdays each month                        begins at 9am

Rules, regulations, and helpful information:

  • DSS Caseworkers are welcome to come and join in on the fun!
  • Please dress appropriately for the weather. Close toed shoes are recommended. We will be spending time outside exploring our campus.
  • Visitors may not leave the property without written permission from their DSS Caseworker.
  • Visiting youth must be ambulatory and able to complete ADL’s independently and must be 6+ years old to visit.
  • Contraband will be confiscated.
  • Basic background and medical information data sheet on each visitor must be completed prior to arrival on our campus.
  • Picture IDs will be taken of each visitor and must be worn while on campus.
  • No unsupervised activities, no stealing, no phones, no sharps, cigarettes, Juuls, lighters, vapes, illegal substances, or alcoholic beverages.
  • Youth who display violent, aggressive or sexually inappropriate behaviors will be removed from the program.
  • Virtual visitation with family members who are not able to be physically present will be available.
  • Snacks and lunch are provided.
  • Nursing, Clinical, Direct Care, and Recreation Coordinator will be on site during visitation.
  • All medications must be turned over to our nursing staff for safe keeping. Nursing staff can administer prescribed oral medications only, if needed.
  • Our staff are not authorized to utilize physical contact crisis prevention interventions on any visitors.
  • Surveillance cameras are utilized at the entrance gate, throughout our property, and in day areas of all buildings.
  • Transportation is available for siblings of boys receiving residential treatment services in the QRTP or PRTF.
    • We need 2 weeks’ notice of your need for transportation services.

Contact Alexis Dejarnette for additional information about the program and to schedule transportation.

This program has been made possible by the generosity of the South Carolina Department of Social Services.

Activities include:

  • Nature walks
  • Fishing – we provide the poles
  • Outdoor games – we provide the athletic equipment
  • Riding bikes
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Movies
  • Board and Card Games