Eric came to Windwood at age six intent on hurting himself and others. Eric’s mom and dad abandoned him multiple times by age 3. His father kidnapped him at age 4. He abused Eric. He left Eric home alone tied to a chair for long periods.
After a few months at Windwood, Eric’s therapist began to see progress. He no longer wore a custom helmet to prevent lasting damage from banging his head repeatedly into the wall. He learned to enjoy playing with other residents instead of plotting six-year-old ways to hurt them.
A Windwood transition coordinator began virtual skill building sessions with Eric’s aunt who was afraid of Eric. Afraid he would hurt himself or hurt his siblings. In the sessions, Eric’s aunt learned techniques for setting boundaries and establishing control.
Eric is now thriving at home with his aunt. He’s in public school doing well. For the first time ever, the family is able to go out to dinner together and make vacation plans.
Because of Windwood, Eric is a happy, sassy seven year old able to give and receive love.